Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome


A reflective, supportive and well-rounded education for all demonstrated through our core values

The governors, staff, children and I would like to welcome you to our school website. We are all extremely proud of our school and hope that you find a flavour of who we are in these pages.


We are a school that believes in being positive both towards each other and towards ourselves. We all take pride in our appearance, attitude to learning and how we strive to do the best we can. Across the school and in everything we do there is a culture of self-improvement and celebration of effort which allows everyone to succeed. We ensure that this success is celebrated both privately in books and publicly in assemblies.


Everyone has ownership of their education and each child drives their own learning forward whilst being part of a supportive and supported class who help each other through team work and discussion.


Our curriculum promotes enquiry and challenge giving all pupils opportunities to broaden and deepen their understanding and skills in both new areas and different situations. This linking of themes and knowledge strengthens understanding and gives children courage to think deeply and not just around a single concept.


We have a strong focus on basic skills and know that by supporting children to develop these they can use them to understand more challenging concepts. The children are supported to use precise and technical vocabulary to explain what they have done and this helps them apply knowledge in a wider variety of situations. We know that every child has the capacity to learn, make progress and succeed in all of their learning.


Pound Hill Junior School remains committed to a broad education and strongly believes that good teaching and learning across all the subjects will ensure outcomes that match ours, yours and above all the child’s own aspirations.



Anthony White

The School Day

The school gates opening from 8.10am.  Please do not send your children in before this time.  Please remember that the playground is not supervised before the bell rings at 8.30am.

  • The kitchen is open for breakfast
  • Stay behind the goals
  • No ball games or use of large play equipment

8.30am – Bell rings and teachers collect classes: Registration starts

8.40am - Registration ends (children are late)


2.50pm - All school gates (front gate, back gate and PHIA gate) are opened and parents can enter the site

  • Stay behind the goals
  • No ball games or use of large play equipment

3.00pm – Teachers will bring their classes to the playground